Papafi Thessaloniki Folk-Dancing Club

ελληνικά     english
ελληνικά   english

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"Papafi Thessaloniki Club" is a non profiteering cultural association,  founded in 1999 to preserve and spread our cultural heritage.

The activities of the folklore Club don't stop in the learning of the traditional dances and songs, but also spread in the exchange of opinions and information, the traditions and customs of our country with local authorities and other cultural clubs of other regions.

The Club is consisted of 110 members and dancing groups of children-adolescents and adults who participate in events in different regions of Greece every year.

                                                                             "The Folklore Club" presents  dances from all regions of our country and its wardrobe is consisted of costumes from Macedonia, Thrace, and the islands of Ios and Crete.








                        Copyright 2005-2009 © Folklore and Dancin Club Papafi Thessaloniki